Setbacks in a Wedding .....
It may will be happened ...... You should be prepared!!!!!
Maybe you belong to these people who organize everything in advance, wishing to be in total contral, taking down notes on anything that comes to mind, double checking that all will go according to plan.
Maybe you have a wedding planner and feel safe (good for you!!!) and maybe the person you have choosen to organize your wedding is indeed the best professional.
Some situations are likely to happen, though. Why??? Because .... there is no reason why ... we are simple humans and as the saying goes "it changes in an hour that happens not in seven years".
Well, one would think, it depends on what the setback will be.... Wrong thinking!!!!! It's not about the size of misfortune, it's about our reaction during a difficult time and about the people who will be there for us, to support us and to find the right solution.
There are times when the problem cannot be undone. And since we can't control other people's reactions, what matters is to be prepared to overcome the obstacles (whether or not a solution is found) and (whatever the size of the disaster), be prepared and determined not to allow it to ruin our big day.
Our day, the one when we start a new life with our mate. If we keep a distance (like with other things in life), we'll soon find out that these kinds of setbacks are not "STRONG" enough to ruin this.
My dearests!!!
Never allow yourselves to behave like spoilt brats for trivial, materialistic things. (I'm talking to you as a Wedding Planner that has witnessed many awkward situations with her own eyes...). You are a woman who has decided to load a shared life with a man and today is your wedding day not matter what......
And because in El Stories you are only going to listen to the truth, what makes a successful wedding is not the planner, the venue, the DJs and photographers. What makes a successful wedding are not the flowers, the decorations, the bridal hairstyle and the makeup.
Beautiful weddings are the ones where the couples feel themselves and live every moment of their special day!!!
In terms of statistics, these couples have no setbacks... because they are surrounded by good - willed people who love them.